The Ras Slaysel Trail

One-way walking distance

4.3 km


1.30 - 1.45

Level of Intensity


The Ras Slaysel trail starts at Kharrubat al-Fajja and ends at Qasr Umm Rattam. Initially, the trail passes through a large agricultural area, where numerous constructed retaining walls for terracing or damming are scattered across the region. Continuing through Wadi Slaysel, you'll reach Slaysel itself, where you can visit the Ras Slaysel High Place. This site offers a notable viewpoint with breathtaking vistas over Wadi Araba, Wadi Marwan, Jabal Härun, and the Dayr plateau.

Descending from Ras Slaysel to the temple at the valley bottom presents a steep downhill path, which is the most challenging part of the hike due to its steep gradient. Along the way, you'll enjoy views of towering mountains covered with vegetation, including juniper trees. Qasr Umm Rattam serves as the final destination on this trail. Qasr Umm Rattam is a remarkable archaeological site that showcases ancient Nabataean architecture. It is recommended to start the hike early in the morning to avoid the heat and make the most of the stunning scenery along the way. Remember to bring sufficient water, wear appropriate shoes and a hat, and pack sandwiches for your journey.

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