Petra Five Promises

Our Philosophy

We, the government, locals and tourists, are Petra.

We are standing on the history of Petra, which spans more than two thousand years.

We share the responsibility to the past, present and future of Petra to ensure its sustainability.


We are Petra.

We make Petra comfortable, safe and secure for everyone.

We follow the rules to conduct tourism ethically.

Tourism Businesses and Locals
  • Local Experience

    We will offer tourists memorable experience with the spirit of hospitality.

  • Peace

    We will collaborate with local stakeholders to ensure tourists have a safe and peaceful stay in Petra.

  • Appropriateness

    We will offer tourism products and services in a legally and ethically appropriate manner.

  • Local Experience

    We will take time to enjoy meaningful experience in local communities.

  • Peace

    We will enjoy tourism in appropriate locations and time that is consistent with the nature of local life.

  • Appropriateness

    We will enjoy tourism in a legally and ethically appropriate manner.


We are Petra.

We ensure opportunities for everyone to participate in tourism.

We promote the revitalization of the local economy.

Tourism Businesses and Locals
  • Local Benefit

    We will ensure opportunities regardless of gender, age, and special needs.

  • Local Product

    We will develop locally sourced products and materials for tourism.

  • Fairness

    We will ensure decent work for locals.

  • Local Benefit

    We will involve the majority of local communities to contribute to distributing the benefits equally.

  • Local product

    We will help promote local products and services “Made in Petra”.

  • Fairness

    We will value the fairness of price of local products and services.


We are Petra.

We protect the local cultural heritage and pass it on to the next generation.

We respect local traditions and culture to understand mutually.

Tourism Businesses and Locals
  • Authenticity

    We will promote the authenticity and value of local traditions and culture.

  • Cultural heritage

    We will preserve Petra’s cultural heritage for future generations.

  • Coexistence

    We will understand each other with tourists while respecting local customs.

  • Authenticity

    We will understand and enjoy the authenticity of culture in Petra.

  • Cultural heritage

    We are will mindful of the sustainability of cultural heritage in Petra.

  • Coexistence

    We will take action to learn, understand and practice local customs and traditions.


We are Petra.

We keep Petra clean and beautiful as same as our home.

We use our limited natural resources carefully.

Tourism Businesses and Locals
  • Nature

    We will provide tourism services without damage on Petra’s beautiful nature.

  • Waste

    We will reduce the plastic use and waste and promote recycling.

  • Water

    We will conserve precious water resources in Petra.

  • Nature

    We will preserve the natural beauty and biodiversity of Petra.

  • Waste

    We will cooperate to reduce plastic and single-use items.

  • Water

    We will cooperate to reduce water consumption by using it carefully.