Ras Slaysel

Ras Slaysel is another of Petra’s magnificent viewpoints, offering vistas over Wadi Araba and Wadi Marwan. Situated along the ancient caravan route that descends to Qasr Umm Rattam, Bir Mathkour caravan station, and eventually Gaza, Ras Slaysel holds a significant historical and strategic position.

Along this caravan trade route, remnants of a Nabataean temple lie in the bed of Wadi Marwan, and traces of a constructed road descend from the High Place Sanctuary of Ras Slaysel to the Pond Temple in Wadi Marwan. The remains of the High Place Sanctuary at Ras Slaysel and the caravan road leading down to the wadi are still visible today. The Nabataean temple and the High Place Sanctuary are important archaeological sites offering insights into the ancient history of the region.

These ruins underscore Ras Slaysel’s role as a pivotal stop along the caravan routes that connected various regions. The staircases leading up to the High Place Sanctuary of Ras Slaysel, although now badly damaged, are still discernible. They measure 3.50 meters in width and ascend 24 meters to an artificially leveled terrace or platform measuring 8 by 6 meters.

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Opening Hours
  • Daily 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM